91-2226471181 office@cakarambelkar.com

Corporate Advisory

Planning and management of tax is another threat area that businesses encounter on the road to their company`s growth and prosperity. Taxation matter is a labyrinth of information, which demands a good deal of financial acumen complemented with requisite expertise in the field. The subject is a ponderous task for even the tax departments of the company.

We offer comprehensive deals to our clients to minimize tax costs and tone down the associated risks. Our tax experts, with their wide experience and keen insight of the subject can offer you most practical solutions to your highly intricate tax related problems. Our team of tax professionals have been handling tax related issues both at national and international level.

Tax Consultancy and Planning under Direct Taxes.

  • Preparation of Tax Returns for company and filing with Tax Department.
  • Representation before Tax Authorities for Corporate Assessments.
  • Appraisal of Systems / Accounts to ensure compliance with Indian Income Tax Act.
  • Assistance in Proceedings based on Notices received from Tax Department.
  • Assistance in Transfer Pricing related issues.
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